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Oscar Fuchs

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Oscar Fuchs was the Co-Founder and Managing Director of ChapmanCG, a global executive search firm dedicated to the Human Resources profession. The favourite parts of his job was in building personal rapport with executives, interviewing them both in person and on podcasts, and wherever possible injecting humour and creativity into the otherwise serious business of headhunting. In 2019 he launched Mosaic of China as a new outlet for these interpersonal and creative skills. He is in the pre-production phase for Mosaic of Japan and Mosaic of Singapore in 2023.



Oscar has lived in total for 3 years in Japan, 1 year in Germany, 6 years in Singapore, 3 years in Hong Kong SAR, and 8 years in mainland China. He is a British national, a Singapore Permanent Resident, and currently lives in Shanghai. Oscar is a keen pianist, photographer, traveler and linguist. He completed a 250km ultra-marathon in Namibia in 2009, but these days limits his sporting activities to jogging, hiking and skiing.


     オスカーはこれまで、ドイツに1年、シンガポールに6年、香港に3年、中国本土に8年、日本に3年滞在してきました。 英国出身の彼はシンガポールの永住権を持ちながら、現在は上海に住んでいます。 ピアノ、写真、旅行、言語学に情熱を注ぐ一方で、2009年にはナミビアで250kmのウルトラマラソンを成し遂げる一面も。とはいえ、最近ではジョギング、ハイキング、スキーを楽しむ程度に留めています。